CICE stadard set-up output

aice = “ice area (aggregate)”
aicen = “ice area, categories”
albsni = “snow/ice broad band albedo”
alidf_ai = “near IR diffuse albedo”
alidr_ai = “near IR direct albedo”
alvdf_ai = “visible diffuse albedo”
alvdr_ai = “visible direct albedo”
ANGLE = “angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid”
ANGLET = “angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid”
apeff_ai = “radiation-effective pond area fraction over grid cell”
apond_ai = “melt pond fraction of grid cell”
ardg = “ridged ice area fraction”

congel = “congelation ice growth”

dagedtd = “age tendency dynamics”
dagedtt = “age tendency thermo”
daidtd = “area tendency dynamics”
daidtt = “area tendency thermo”
divu = “strain rate (divergence)”
dsnow = “snow formation”
dvidtd = “volume tendency dynamics”
dvidtt = “volume tendency thermo”
dxt = “T cell width through middle”
dxu = “U cell width through middle”
dyt = “T cell height through middle”
dyu = “U cell height through middle”

evap = “evaporative water flux (cpl)”

fhocn = “heat flux ice to ocn (cpl)”
flat = “latent heat flux (cpl)”
flat_ai = “latent heat flux”
flwdn = “down longwave flux”
flwup = “upward longwave flux (cpl)”
frazil = “frazil ice growth”
fresh = “freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl)”
fsalt = “salt flux ice to ocn (cpl)”
fsens = “sensible heat flux (cpl)”
fsens_ai = “sensible heat flux”
fswabs = “snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl)”
fswdn = “down solar flux”
fswintn = “internal absorbed shortwave, categories”
fswsfcn = “surface absorbed shortwave, categories”
fswthru = “SW thru ice to ocean (cpl)”
fswthrun = “penetrating shortwave, categories”
fswup = “upward solar flux”

hi = “grid cell mean ice thickness”
hs = “grid cell mean snow thickness”
HTE = “T cell width on East side”
HTN = “T cell width on North side”

ice_present = “fraction of time-avg interval that ice is present”

latt_bounds = “latitude boundaries of T cells”
latu_bounds = “latitude boundaries of U cells”
lont_bounds = “longitude boundaries of T cells”
lonu_bounds = “longitude boundaries of U cells”

meltb = “basal ice melt”
meltl = “lateral ice melt”
melts = “top snow melt”
meltt = “top ice melt”

rain = “rainfall rate (cpl)”

shear = “strain rate (shear)”
sig1 = “norm. principal stress 1”
sig2 = “norm. principal stress 2”
snoice = “snow-ice formation”
snow = “snowfall rate (cpl)”
snow2ocn = “Snow blowing into ocean”
snowfrac = “grid cell mean snow fraction”
strairx = “atm/ice stress (x)”
strairy = “atm/ice stress (y)”
strcorx = “coriolis stress (x)”
strcory = “coriolis stress (y)”
strength = “compressive ice strength”
strintx = “internal ice stress (x)”
strinty = “internal ice stress (y)”
strocnx = “ocean/ice stress (x)”
strocny = “ocean/ice stress (y)”
strtltx = “sea sfc tilt stress (x)”
strtlty = “sea sfc tilt stress (y)”

tarea = “area of T grid cells”
time_bounds = “boundaries for time-averaging interval”
tmask = “ocean grid mask”
Tsfc = “snow/ice surface temperature”

uarea = “area of U grid cells”
uatm = “atm velocity (x)”
uvel = “ice velocity (x)”

vatm = “atm velocity (y)”
VGRDb = “vertical ice-bio levels”
VGRDi = “vertical ice levels”
VGRDs = “vertical snow levels”
vicen = “ice volume, categories”
vsnon = “snow depth on ice, categories”
vvel = “ice velocity (y)”