Downloading NorESM2
1. Downloading the model code
2. Downloading inputdata
3. Released versions of NorESM2.0
Running NorESM2
NorESM2 output
NorESM2 diagnostics
NorESM2 Model Description
NorESM2 key simulations
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Downloading NorESM2
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Downloading NorESM2
1. Downloading the model code
1.1. Make a clone of the NorESM repository
1.2. Check out a specific NorESM branch, e.g. NorESM2.0.1
1.3. Manage externals
1.4. Configure Externals.cfg
2. Downloading inputdata
2.1. NorESM specific inputdata
2.2. SVN problems during downloading
2.3. Advanced: Updating NorESM source inputdata
3. Released versions of NorESM2.0
3.1. NorESM2.0.8
3.2. NorESM2.0.7
3.3. NorESM2.0.6
3.4. NorESM2.0.5
3.5. NorESM2.0.4
3.6. NorESM2.0.3
3.7. NorESM2.0.2
3.8. NorESM2.0.1