Frequently asked questions
- 1. Low-key discussion forum
- 2. Technical FAQ
- 3. Aerosol FAQ
- 3.1. How can I get mass and number concentration diagnostics via AeroTab and postprocessing?
- 3.2. Where is the example script which produces with AeroTab the tables necessary to postprocess diagnostics for eg mass and number below a certain diameter?
- 3.3. Where is the documentation for doing an EasyAerosol simulation? Compset, input, etc.
- 3.4. What is needed to add a tracer to the NorESM2 model?
- 3.5. What is the hygroscopicity for different species in NorESM2, expressed as kappa?
- 3.6. Is there enhancement of absorption due to organic coating of BC or Organic aerosols in NorESM2 (AeroTab6)?
- 3.7. Which types of AeroTab tables are read in when running NorESM2?
- 3.8. How to invoke and activate the different levels of aerosol diagnostics in a NorESM model run?
- 4. Post-processing and plotting FAQ
- 4.1. NorESM2-LM CMIP6 experiments with different physics
- 4.2. Different sea-ice and ocean grid
- 4.3. Very large ocean cell thickness in BLOM (the ocean component in NorESM2)
- 4.4. Weights and area information for the ocean component BLOM
- 4.5. The vertical coordinate in BLOM
- 4.6. The surface variables in BLOM
- 4.7. What is the ocean density value used to convert from kg/s to Sverdrups?
- 4.8. Why is the depth-integrated vertical transport not equal to zero?
- 4.9. Is there a tool for creating time series files from the raw NorESM output?
- 4.10. How do I fix the time issue in monthly files (h0-files)?:
- 4.11. How do I compute a weighted average?
- 5. Reporting CMIP6 data errors