4. CMIP6 NorESM2 experiments setup

A detailed overview of NorESM2 CMIP6 spin up and experiments including compsets, case names, restart files etc. can be found here https://noresmhub.github.io/noresm-exp/intro.html

Please use the branch noresm2 for reproducing CMIP6 results of NorESM2. For an overview, please see: https://noresm-docs.readthedocs.io/en/noresm2/access/releases_noresm20.html

In order to reproduce CMIP6 experiments:

4.1. Checkout the CMIP6 version of NorESM2

How to obtain this version:

git clone https://github.com/NorESMhub/NorESM.git
cd NorESM
git tag --list (this should give you a list of the existing tags or releases)
git checkout release-noresm2.0.5

List of all coupled experiment compsets can be found in:


List of all AMIP type and fixed SST experiments can be found in


frc2 compsets: Several CMIP6 experiments were run with frc2 compsets. The frc2 option uses differently organized emission files. The frc2 files are located in:


The frc2 files were created to avoid the occurrence of random mid-month model crashes on FRAM. These crashes are related to the reading of emission files. Compsets including frc2 are using the frc2 emission files and include


in the compset long name.


Please note that running with frc2 compsets will not give bit-reproducible simulations compared to simulations run without frc2 in the compset name.

4.2. CMIP6 DECK Compsets

  • piControl : N1850 or N1850frc2

  • historical : NHIST or NHISTfrc2

  • abrupt-4xCO2 : NCO2x4cmip6 or NCO2x4cmip6frc2

  • 1pctCO2 : N1PCTcmip6 or N1PCTcmip6frc2

For a detailed overview of case names, experiment setup, restart files etc. please see:

4.3. CMIP6 Scenario compsets (only frc2 compsets)

  • ssp126 : NSSP126frc2

  • ssp245 : NSSP245frc2

  • ssp370 : NSSP370frc2

  • ssp585 : NSSP585frc2

An overview of NorESM2 CMIP6 SSP experiments details, case names, restart files can be found here: https://noresmhub.github.io/noresm-exp/content/NSSPs/noresm2_mm_nssp.html

4.4. CMIP6 AMIP and fixed SST compsets

  • amip : NFHISTnorpddmsbc

Detailed information on NorESM2-LM AMIP simulation can be accessed here: https://noresmhub.github.io/noresm-exp/content/noresm2_deck/noresm2_lm_amip.html

Useful compsets for calculating aerosol ERF:

  • Prescribed SST from NorESM piControl, 1850 aerosol emissions: NF1850norbc or NF1850frc2norbc

  • Prescribed SST from NorESM piControl, 2014 aerosol emissions: NF1850norbc_aer2014 or NF1850frc2norbc_aer2014

4.5. CMIP6 output

Please note that when building a case the user-mods-dir is important for the output, and should be changed according to your needs. Please see Experiments sec. 2.1.5 and Standard output for further details.

The usermods under <noresm_base>/cime_config/usermods_dirs/ include:

cmip6_noresm_DECK (AEROFFL)
cmip6_noresm_hifreq (high frequency output, AEROFFL)
cmip6_noresm_hifreq_xaer (high frecuency output, AEROFFL and AEROCOM)
cmip6_noresm_keyCLIM (used for KeyCLIM experiments, AEROFFL)
cmip6_noresm_xaer (AEROFFLand AEROCOM)

To activate the cmip6_noresm_DECK usermod, run the create_newcase script with the option --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_DECK.

Remember that the amount of diagnostics and the output frequency have a huge impact on both the run time and storage.

For more details, also see this folder


5. Reproduce CMIP6 piControl, historical and SSP5-8.5 experiments

5.1. piControl

N1850 is the alias for the NorESM compset for pre-industrial (1850) conditions. The long name for N1850 is


and the long name for N1850frc2 is

  • NorESM2-LM CMIP6 piControl was generated by the use of N1850

  • NorESM2-MM CMIP6 piControl was generated by the use of N1850frc2

Create a piControl case

In <noresm-base>/cime/scripts/

  • NorESM2-LM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-LM_piControl --compset N1850 --res f19_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_DECK
  • NorESM2-MM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-MM_piControl --compset N1850frc2 --res f09_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_DECK
Experiment settings in piControl experiments

In your case folder (e.g. TEST_NorESM2-LM_piControl or TEST_NorESM2-MM_piControl)

In env_run.xml:

  • set RUN_TYPE to branch :

    <group id="run_begin_stop_restart">
      <entry id="RUN_TYPE" value="branch">
  • set RUN_REFCASE to the CMIP6 piControl casename and RUN_REFDATE to the start of the CMIP6 piControl experiment (or whatever year you need), i.e.

    • for NorESM2-LM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="N1850_f19_tn14_11062019">
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="1600-01-01">
    • for NorESM2-MM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="N1850_f09_tn14_20190913">
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="1200-01-01">
Restart files for piControl

Before submitting the job, please remeber to copy the restart and rpointer files to the run directory, e.g. for TEST_NorESM2-MM_piControl on BETZY

cp /nird/projects/NS9560K/noresm/cases/N1850_f09_tn14_20190913/rest/1200-01-01-00000/* /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-MM_piControl/run/
gunzip /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-MM_piControl/run/*.gz

Overview of piControl case names, detailed setup (machine settings, node settings etc.), raw output and restart files:

5.2. Historical

NHIST is the alias for the NorESM compset for historical (1850-2014) conditions. The long name for NHIST is


and for NHISTfrc2 is

  • NorESM2-LM CMIP6 historical experiments were generated by the use of NHIST

  • NorESM2-MM CMIP6 historical were generated by the use of NHISTfrc2

Create a historical case

In <noresm-base>/cime/scripts/

  • NorESM2-LM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-LM_historical --compset NHIST --res f19_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_xaer
  • NorESM2-MM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-MM_historical --compset NHISTfrc2 --res f09_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_DECK
Experiment settings in historical experiments

In your case folder (e.g. TEST_NorESM2-LM_historical or TEST_NorESM2-MM_historical)

In env_run.xml:

  • set RUN_TYPE to hybrid :

    <group id="run_begin_stop_restart">
      <entry id="RUN_TYPE" value="hybrid">
  • set RUN_REFCASE to the CMIP6 piControl casename (i.e. initial conditions) and RUN_REFDATE to the first year of the CMIP6 piControl experiment (or whatever year you need), i.e.

    • for NorESM2-LM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="N1850_f19_tn14_11062019">
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="1600-01-01">
    • for NorESM2-MM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="N1850_f09_tn14_20190913">
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="1200-01-01">
Restart files for historical experiments

Before submitting the job, please remeber to copy the restart and rpointer files to the run directory, e.g. for TEST_NorESM2-LM_historical on BETZY

cp /nird/projects/NS9560K/noresm/cases/N1850_f19_tn14_11062019/rest/1600-01-01-00000/* /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-LM_historical/run/
gunzip /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-LM_historical/run/*.gz

Overview of historical case names, members, detailed setup (machine settings, node settings etc.), raw output and restart files:

5.3. SSP5-8.5

NSSP585 is the alias for the NorESM compset for projected (2015-2100) conditions. The scenario represents the high end of plausible future pathways. SSP5 is the only SSP with emissions high enough to produce the 8.5 W/m2 level of forcing in 2100. The long name for NSSP585 is


and for NSSP585frc2 is

  • Both NorESM2-LM and NorESM2-MM CMIP6 SSP5-8.5 experiments were generated by the use of NSSP585frc2

Create a NSSP585 case

In <noresm-base>/cime/scripts/

  • NorESM2-LM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-LM_ssp585 --compset NSSP585frc2 --res f19_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_hifreq_xaer
  • NorESM2-MM:

    ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/TEST_NorESM2-MM_ssp585 --compset NSSP585frc2 --res f09_tn14 --machine fram --project <project> --user-mods-dir cmip6_noresm_hifreq_xaer
Experiment settings in NSSP585 experiments

In your case folder (e.g. TEST_NorESM2-LM_ssp585 or TEST_NorESM2-MM_ssp585)

In env_run.xml:

  • set RUN_TYPE to hybrid:

    <group id="run_begin_stop_restart">
      <entry id="RUN_TYPE" value="hybrid">
  • set RUN_REFCASE to the CMIP6 historical casename (i.e. initial conditions), please note that there are several historical members and the casename will depend on which member you need, and RUN_REFDATE to the latest restart files of the CMIP6 historical experiment (or whatever year you need), i.e.

    • for NorESM2-LM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="NHIST_f19_tn14_20190710">
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="2015-01-01">
      <entry id="RUN_STARTDATE" value="2015-01-01">
    • for NorESM2-MM:

      <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="NHISTfrc2_f09_tn14_20191025"
      <entry id="RUN_REFDATE" value="2015-01-01">
      <entry id="RUN_STARTDATE" value="2015-01-01">
Restart files for NSSP585 experiments

Before submitting the job, please remeber to copy the restart and rpointer files to the run directory, e.g. for TEST_NorESM2-LM_ssp585 on BETZY

cp /nird/projects/NS9560K/noresm/cases/NHIST_f19_tn14_20190710/rest/2015-01-01-00000/* /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-LM_ssp585/run/
gunzip /cluster/projects/<project>/<username>/noresm/TEST_NorESM2-LM_ssp585/run/*.gz

Overview of scenario experiment case names, members, detailed setup (machine settings, node settings etc.), raw output and restart files: