Simple online sharing
Simplified publishing (unofficial ESG publication)
All users of the NorStore project ns2345k have the possibility to share their data via NorStore’s ESG data portal
Requirements are:
Note that the data sharing solution uses hard links to avoid additional use of disk resources. The original data is not touched/modified.
Publish a simple dataset to NorStore’s ESG data portal
For simple data sharing with ESG support, use the script **/projects/NS2345K/tools/esgpublish**: Usage: esgpublish [unlisted]
\ \ `` ``\ \ `` [unlisted]
Example: esgpublish /projects/NS2345K/noresm/thredds/CORE2/AMOC CORE2-AMOC
Purpose: Publish data via NorStore’s online data portal
Description: The input path must be absolute and start with /projects/NS2345K or
`` /norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K. ``
Remove a simple dataset from NorStore’s ESG data portal
To unpublish a dataset that previously has been published with esgpublish, use the script **/projects/NS2345K/tools/esgunpublish**: Usage: esgunpublish
Example: esgunpublish CORE2-AMOC
Purpose: Unpublish a dataset from NorStore’s online data portal
Standard publishing (official ESG publication)
Several projects (e.g, CMIP, GeoMIP, etc) require special post-processing and ESG publishing procedures.
Please contact Ingo Bethke (ingo.bethke[at] or Alf Grini (alfg[at] for assistance.